Live a life with length and width
Anyone who knows me knows that I talk a lot about living a life with width and length. In fact, the quote I have shared above probably hundreds of times goes like this.
How often do you think about what’s coming up next for you? I bet it’s a lot. But I know that thinking about it and not acting on it doesn’t create a life with width. Do you agree?
I’ve found my own way of measuring my goals that provide a beautiful and satisfying life filled full of passion, energy, enjoyable and peace. Because I believe when you have peace in your life, you have lived on your own terms. And that’s why it’s important to get solid on your life passions that make your life ideal.
Yet some women I’ve known feel frustrated with their lives, yet they don’t know how to turn the corner to that “width” part. So the years go by. And nothing changes. Eventually, the limited beliefs in their heads hold them back, and the next confident chapter never shows up.
Is this you? Don’t worry! With the help of my program “coaching for greatness”, I can teach you how to get clear on so many things. We’ll take them one at a time. And you’ll see, step by step, that you can start over, re-frame your future and create your most confident next chapter.
Here are a couple of steps to get you started on living your passion.
Grab a blank piece of paper and a pen. Start writing all the things you’d like to have in your life, now and in the future. Seriously, all of them you can come up with! No editing.
No grammar worries. Come from your heart. Try to get even 50 of them.
When I first did this exercise, I got close to a hundred, but, of course, I’m a natural goal setter.
Now take a look at what you’ve written and start striking out goals that are not really important or necessary to you! Work the number of goals down to, say, 20. Then keep going and strike more of them out until you are down to 10. Not done yet…keep going. Keep going until you have the top 5 things that represent the life you want to live. Start each sentence of the 5 you select with the words, “when my life is ideal.” And these 5 will represent what and where you want to be now or in the future.
When I first did this exercise, I was living in an Ashram in India. After working through the movements and even meditation, I came up with my 5 that passions to live by. Here they are:
Here are my 5 Passions
- When my life is ideal, I want to write books and speak to women to motivate and inspire them.
- When my life is ideal, I want to motivate women and help them see their worth through coaching and facilitate their passions.
- When my life is ideal, I want to be financially stable.
- When my life is ideal, I want to travel the world and help others.
- When my life is ideal, I want to have friends and colleagues erudite and forward thinkers for the world.
I intentionally found these 5 statements, and I know you will find yours, too. It’s who you are and long to be! Here’s my blog on living intentionally.
This exercise comes from The Passion Test, written by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood. I also was honored to be with her at that time in India.
Love, Linda