We’ll work together on the 4 steps to create your most important next chapter.

Step 1: Consider Your Change

Looking at your future goals.

Red tea cup filled with beverageYou’ll look at your life as you take your first steps toward what you want to assess and what are your goals for your future. Where are you in your life? Explore and consider clarity for what’s next. As we go through the options you’ll explore your emotions, your past experiences, your career, relationships, and the essence of who you are. You’ll find these conversations can stir up past passions that have never been fulfilled and maybe understand that these passions are no longer important to whom you are today. And through your work with me, new passions might show up.

For some it’s a rare thing to sit down, step back and look at your life. Where are you now, truly? What makes you happy? What are the obstacles that hold you back from living the life you know you want?

We’ll spend some time discussing where you are now. And it’s through these conversations you can decide what is satisfying, what parts of your life that make you happy, and finally, those that are holding you back from where you want to be.

The conversations we have in these sessions will help you realize the limiting beliefs that you’ve been carrying around in your brain, how to re-frame those beliefs and even get rid of them altogether.

By considering these parts of you, this first step will lay the groundwork for realizing goals and gaining results.